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Treat Yo Self to a Retreat

Updated: Jan 25, 2020

6 Reasons to Retreat into the Woods

I was posed an interesting, stop in my tracks question the other day: Why would you go on a yoga retreat?

I took a pause because my first reaction was, "why not?!" That's not an answer though, is it my friends? It's like the unsatisfying answer, "it depends" from your yoga teacher.

Let's take a moment to reflect on why it's good idea and investment to retreat.

1. Recharge

We take the time to recharge our phones, why not ourselves? What is one way to recharge: To carve out time to be away from work, life, responsibilities, so you can hear yourself think again. You cannot fully unplug unless you retreat from it all on vacation, detach from your devices, and being present with your surroundings. Have you been on a vacation when you felt rested and less reactionary? The longer you are away, the more charged your battery. A weekend is great to catch your breath but, even longer may be able to sustain you longer.

2. Nature has Positive Effects on Our Health

There are so many studies out there with proving evidence that time in nature makes us healthier. Just google "nature effects health" and loads of articles will pop up for ya! I know for myself, if I'm feeling overwhelmed the first place I want to head is toward a body of water. It soothes me. This summer it's my goal for my family to hit the hiking trails every Sunday because for me it's a place I can be present with beauty, spirit, and have this calm take over me I can't get anywhere else.

3. Social Media is Making Us Sick.

Next on your google list is "social media effects on our health". It's actively being researched to see what effects social media is having on us. It's almost unavoidable in our daily life now. I've found it really helpful to unplug from it from time to time to make sure I can stay present in my own life, stay connected to relationships around me, and stay grounded to whom I am versus what I what to be branded as. Going on a yoga retreat helps you put the phone down and connect your attention on you.

4. Being with Like-Minded Folks.

Sometimes we forget there are others like us! In this world of polar opposing views it seems and there is no time like the present to be reminded there are other gentle, kind people out there around us!

5. Self Care

This is needed. Connection with self. How are you doing? Have you done any goal setting as of late? Connect to what makes you, you? As a mother I put myself low on the list. I have to actively force myself on my mat for my own practice and know a better me will benefit all those around me. What if you were able to take a few days to connect to your needs, thoughts, feeling, and be able to process them. I think of this as time to just breath and just be.

6. Reflection

Yoga retreats offer lots of ways to reflect and grow. Yoga is all about offering a mirror to see what is reflecting back. It's an amazing tool to process and heal. It's an ongoing practice. There are 8 Limbs of Yoga. The second limb of yoga are the Niyamas. One of these is the art of Svadhyaya, self study. Here are a couple articles to brush up or acquaint with on this concept.

So, recharging, healthy, connection with people, connection with self, SIGN ME UP!

I'll be guiding folks this spring at the Sleeping Lady Retreat Center with my pal and owner of Longevita Pilates & Yoga Studio, Shelia Cowart! Tell me about any retreats you are taking or dream of taking! I'll see you in the woods!


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